One-on-One Coaching


One-on-one sessions work best if you are looking for specific guidance in achieving meaning and purpose in your life.

Sue’s straight-forward approach to coaching is collaborative. It is an alliance, an effective and trusted partnership. By creating a positive and safe environment, Sue’s clients can hone their vision, honor their own values, and move towards the change they desire. It is an inspirational, courageous, and fully supported process.

Sue’s coach-client alliance is honest, confidential and courageous. As your coach, she will provide a positive, secure environment for you to explore your vision and curiosity. You will deepen your understanding, learn new skills, honor your values, declare your goals, be accountable, make desired changes and live as you genuinely want to live.

She is certain that opportunities for you are endless and that there is always a way. You will be fully supported as you expand your perception of yourself and the world and find the solutions you need for your own journey.

Sessions last between 50 and 90 minutes and can be done virtually or in-person.


"Sue Dinner's coaching is on another level. If you've ever wanted someone to "see" you, to believe in you, to hold a clear vision for you, well, Sue is that Coach. And with Sue, it happens quickly, as her mission is not mere words but that which she lives.

I have been lucky enough to have Sue work with me 1:1, and she helped me step through a number of scary times in my life. Over several sessions, she guided me through exercises that opened doors and became possible paths forward for me. When it seemed like I had lost ground to stand on, Sue exposed the breath and scope of the rock beneath me and the road before me.

As your Coach, Sue Dinner will be guiding you, rooting for you, and giving you tools and motivation to discover your courageous and BEST self!"

Teacher + Healer + Writer from Brevard, NC

The meaning of life is to find your gift.
The purpose of life is to give it away.

Pablo Picasso